Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome Back

It's been awhile ... since I've seen you!!

Well, that's an understatement. The truth is I almost completely disappeared from the blogger world - I know with my constant contact it's hard to imagine, but it's true! So I'm turning over a new leaf today, it's the first of October ... new things are coming my way and I'm super excited to revamp our little blog 'o love.
Life is been good to us - good only...but good! Hoping that we can make this say nothing short of's my favorite time of year..the best time of year to me!

So stay tune for some great looks at what we're doing!

Just a preview, if you are new to our neck of the woods....
-Kenny is my hunny - we've been together almost 11 years!
-We're proud alumni of Louisiana Tech University - 2 degrees in related to those degrees = 0
-We have two FURRY babies - Buddy Lynn and Bailey Bean ... our hearts! We are so incredibly attached to these two - FYI - Buddy is a total daddy's boy...Bailey's a Momma's boy!
-We're learning that happiness comes in many forms and it's NOT what we thought we thought it was 11 years ago!
& Finally, we purchased our first home in Texas - we love it! We miss our friends in Louisiana but our move here has grown us SO much!

We're so blessed to have you following us, now have a cup of coffee (Community, that is...) and chat with us! :)

Love always!